Mindy Maggio........................
Mindy Maggio’s heart is on fire to empower women entrepreneurs and professionals to build the life and business of their dreams. Working together, she helps them unleash the most authentic, confident version of themselves to unapologetically become all they are meant to be, and do the work they are called to do. Her ability to inspire women to play a leading role in their own lives and businesses while envisioning a new story for themselves is magical. ✨
As a woman-centered transformational business and life coach, she is driven by the realization of a crucial gap in the lives of women — recognizing the missing element of collective support and collaboration when running a business alone or making a significant change in life. As a 'recovering' people-pleasing perfectionist who tried to build her business on her own for 3 years, she knows the common challenges of overwhelm, burnout, and showing up for everyone else's dreams.
The women she works with have big hearts and big ideas so she helps them connect with what truly lights them up. She helps them put themselves first, and implement a plan aligned with a clear vision of what they want to create in the world, without feeling overwhelmed, stressed, stuck or that there’s not enough time to do what they feel in their heart.
She believes an independent woman who feels worthy to follow her own path is unstoppable and can make a greater impact for a better world. Mindy guides women through a proven process that allows them to transform their energy and life experience so they can work in a different way.
As the founder of the Bridge-Ville Networking & Coaching Community, she creates safe spaces for women with big hearts and big ideas to talk about what they want and what's getting in the way so they can begin to take action in alignment with their dreams. She works with groups, facilitates workshops and provides private sessions for women business owners and professionals who want to make their dreams a reality.
As the co-founder of The Creator CoLab for Women, she provides a space for purpose-aligned women to work together so they can keep moving forward without feeling burnt out. The CoLab helps women align their actions to what's most important for them at the moment, and plan out their quarters and months to create their own weekly rhythms.
Her mission is to help women live, lead and leave their legacy on purpose. Magic happens when women feel her love and light that allows them to feel seen, heard, empowered, and valued. She shares her wisdom from her own life experiences, training from exceptional world class mentors and master coaches, and various transformational learning communities she facilitates and participates in.
#womensempowerment #confidencecoach #womenimpact
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Why call it Bridge-Ville?
First...what do you think of when you think of a bridge?
bridge /brij/
- A bridge connects people, groups or things
- Something that makes it easier to change from one situation to another
Second, a bit of irony based on my roots. I was born and raised in a suburb outside of Pittsburgh, named Bridgeville (no dash!). This is where I learned the value of building a strong foundation through community and connection.
So, come to Bridge-Ville (with a dash!) and build your community where you can help support others too, and feel connected to something greater!